Without evidence of benefit, an intervention should not be presumed to be beneficial or safe.

- Rogue Medic

Pat Robertson Makes Some Sense

As much as I am critical of Pat Robertson, I must give him credit for making a lot of sense, here.


Do our drug laws have any impact on the ability of high school seniors to obtain marijuana?

According to the chart I posted in More Examples of Errors Due to Confirmation Bias, almost all 12th grade students consider it fairly easy or very easy to obtain marijuana.[1]


Red is 12th grade. Blue is 10th grade. Green is 8th grade.

Could it be more clear that our drug policy has been a failure?

Could the TSA (Transportation Security Administration) do any worse, if the TSA were given as much money as we spend on drug policy?

The TSA provides security theater – the appearance of security, without the reality – should we describe the result of our drug laws as drug abuse containment theater?

Our drug laws do not even appear to provide the appearance of containment of illegal drug use.


[1] Monitoring The Future
Drug and Alcohol Press Release: Text, Figures, & Tables
Web page with link to PDFs of the various data provided

Free PDF of the data on past 30 day use of all drugs from monitoringthefuture.org



  1. Yep, I was thinking the same thing. But as the old saw says… even a blind hog finds an acorn every now and then.


  1. […] A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about the following video in Pat Robertson Makes Some Sense […]