Without evidence of benefit, an intervention should not be presumed to be beneficial or safe.

- Rogue Medic

Why Not Criticize Darwin? Evolution? Carbon Dating?


In response to We cater to the most stupid people out of fear of . . . whatever Can’t say, clowns will eat me writes –

So why not criticism of Darwinism? Evolution? Etc? How about criticism of carbon dating since that’s somewhat often tied to the others….?


Unlike Creationism (or its disguise as Intelligent Design), science involves a lot of criticism of research. Good science requires criticism. There is no scientific controversy over whether evolution is real, only over the fine points of how evolution works.

The only controversy is a religious controversy between religious sects according to different interpretations of the Bible.

Which religious interpretation would we teach? Young Earth Creationism, Old Earth Creationism, acceptance of micro-evolution and denial of macro-evolution, other animals evolved, but not humans, or some other interpretation designed to please preachers and ignore as much science as the preachers think they can get away with?

These are not science.

Do scientists go to houses of worship and try to preach to the congregations about science?

Some religious people have the arrogance of ignorance to demand to preach their religious interpretation to public school students in science classrooms.

It would only be fair for this to be seen as an invitation for scientists to come in to the houses of worship and educate the congregation about how to test the truth of what is written in the Holy Books.

Image credit.

Read On the Origin of Species (1859).

First Edition free download from gutenberg.org.

Read through the many pages at Talk Origins that explain in detail the answers to questions about evolution.

The Talk Origins page on carbon dating is here.

Just by looking at the night sky we can look millions of years back in time. We are looking at light that has traveled for that long to get to our eyes, but not just to get to our eyes. Of course, the galaxy does not exist to please our eyes. Thinking that would be another example of arrogance.

We are infinitesimal and insignificant in the universe. If life had been designed, the design was so poor that it has been an overwhelming example of failure. We are among the small percentage of species that have not yet become extinct on Earth. The monstrosities that we see are not examples of any intelligent design, or even of a drunken engineer. They are examples of the random mutations that provide incremental and cumulative changes that sometimes are the beginnings of a species better adapted to the current environment.

Charles Darwin did not know anything about DNA, because DNA was not even discovered until a decade after he explained evolution. DNA confirms and clarifies evolution. We even share DNA with bacteria, which were barely known, and even less understood, at the time Darwin explained evolution.

What we have learned since 1859 has been consistent with evolution. There have been some modifications to evolution, but evolution has been repeatedly confirmed by experiments and by new discoveries in biology. Gregor Mendel did not publish his paper on inheritance until 1866 and it is unlikely that Darwin had any familiarity with Mendel’s work.

Charles Darwin’s work in biology is as revolutionary as Isaac Newton’s work in physics.

Both have had their work modified and repeatedly confirmed.

Organs can be transplanted from primates to humans because we share almost all of our DNA. At the level of DNA, the differences among humans, pigs, and bacteria are very small. This is consistent with evolving from a common ancestor, but only makes sense except in the case of a trickster designer.

We can transplant organs from pigs into humans. Pigs look nothing like humans, but we are much more closely related than our appearances would suggest.

If a real scientist were to demonstrate a major obstacle to evolution, that scientist would become famous.

Look at Einstein. With relativity, he changed theories of gravity, light, and time. These were not well received by everyone, but they have been consistently confirmed. Einstein is considered to be one of the greatest scientists of all time.

In science, being smart enough to find the flaws in an accepted theory is the way to fame and fortune.

Science has no need for dogma, since science is a process for learning.

In science the goal is truth.
