Without evidence of benefit, an intervention should not be presumed to be beneficial or safe.

- Rogue Medic

No Apologies, Because America is a Victim Nation


Scott (MedicSBK – EMS in the New Decade) posted a few tweets about the infamous news reporting by Andrea Isom and Fox2-Detroit – Responsible Reporting and Credibility.

That’s right; an Emmy Award Winning reporter told me to “STFU.” While, with that simple statement, she lost all credibility in my eyes, I engaged in a lengthy 140 character at a time discussion with her that ended with her telling me I should contact the station if I was so upset. I took Ms. Lue’s advice and sent the following e-mail to Kevin Roseburger at Fox 2.


Is it cyber bullying to point out that people did something wrong?

Is it cyber bullying to point out that a news organization did something wrong?

Is it cyber bullying to use Twitter to attack someone for pointing out that people did something wrong?

Is it cyber bullying to use Twitter to attack someone for pointing out that a news organization did something wrong?

Is pointing out unethical behavior unethical?

Is it television bullying (I have no idea what the politically correct term would be) to use the media to attack someone without any valid basis – then refuse to apologize for that unethical behavior?

Go read Scott’s full letter to the station manager.

Follow Scott’s directions to –

If you would like to contact Fox 2 in Detroit in a professional manner, head over to Dave Statter’s article where you will find all of the contact information that you need.


All over a refusal to apologize for presenting a baseless and defamatory interpretation of what is going on in this picture.



I also wrote about this in –

Does Ignorance Lead to Faulty Assumptions?

Irresponsible Posing? Absolutely.

Here is some of what others have written –

Don’t rely on Dave Statter

UPDATE: TV station pulls report but fails to apologize & explain why it aired bogus story about smiling EMS crew
