Without evidence of benefit, an intervention should not be presumed to be beneficial or safe.

- Rogue Medic

Book Bans Keep Exposing Censorship to Ridicule

Welcome to Banned Books Week, which ends today, but can be celebrated all of the time – not celebrating that books are banned to punish thought crime, but to read something we might not otherwise read – to expand our awareness of what other people think – to be independent.

Some politicians claim that censorship is wrong, while using the government to prevent citizens from reading unapproved books. These politicians claim that they are protecting citizens from harm, because those citizens are students and too young to think for themselves in the schools that are supposed to teach these students to think for themselves.

The book banning politicians do not want the students to grow up to be voters who think for themselves, but want to control the information that is allowed to students, so that when they are adults, these citizens will do as they are told without questioning what they are told.

This is not new. Banning books has been around for hundreds of years and has always failed.

What is it about Toni Morrison that must be kept from students?

In 1616 the Catholic Church banned Galileo from even thinking about the Copernican hypothesis, because the Copernican hypothesis is a thought crime. In 1632 Galileo took a creative approach to the ban. Galileo wrote a dialogue discussing the superiority of the geocentric system and the heliocentric system, in spite of the evidence.

The evidence that the Earth does not move was that, if the Earth moved, we would feel it and we would be able to observe stellar parallax (when a star is viewed from one extreme of the Earth’s orbit to another, it will appear to have moved). These are common sense arguments, but common sense also tells us that the Earth is flat.

The evidence that must be ignored centered on a book written by Copernicus in 1543, later work by Johannes Kepler, and on evidence produced by Galileo with his telescopes beginning in 1609. Galileo had not invented the telescope, but had improved on it so much that he had the best telescopes in the world at that time. Using the telescope Galileo was able to show that the Earth was not the center of everything in the universe, since the moons of Jupiter revolve around Jupiter, not Earth. The existence and movement of Sun spots supported the Copernican system. The strongest argument was that Venus has phases, just like our Moon, but not consistent with revolution around Earth. Galileo was wrong about the tides, and should have known that he was wrong, but that was not an essential part of heliocentric theory.

After being threatened with torture and execution 69 year old Galileo recanted what he wrote and was sentenced to house arrest for the rest of his life. Giordano Bruno had been tortured for 7 years before being burned alive in public as an example to those who would think for themselves. Bruno was convicted of the same charge as Galileo – Heresy, which is thought crime.

The Church banned On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres by Copernicus (unless edited to mean the opposite of what Copernicus meant), and the books of Galileo, Kepler, and other books that provide evidence that the Earth revolves around the Sun. Some of those prohibitions lasted until 1835.

Only 45 years after the death of Galileo, long before there was evidence of stellar parallax, Isaac Newton ignored the prohibition on thought crime in his explanation of gravity. The theory of gravity requires the Earth to revolve around the Sun. If someone can show that the Sun revolves around the Earth, they can disprove gravity. Those who ban books would be ecstatic.

In 1992 Pope John Paul II gave a partial apology for the actions of the Church to punish thought crimes, but was criticized for going too far. The Catholic Education Resource Center still promotes disingenuous arguments to support the actions of the Church. Ironically, the Catholic Church does not oppose evolution (perhaps because their treatment of Galileo was so pathetically bad), but some Protestants, especially Evangelicals, do. Maybe they view evolution denial as their chance to grab their own science denial award – a Darwin Award, given to people who kill themselves through extreme stupidity.

In history, there are also books that are banned, because the evidence presented in the books may make the reader feel bad. This is not out of concern that the reader will feel bad about being lied to by their parents, teachers, and politicians. This is of a desire to protect the lies told by parents, teachers, and politicians.

The American Civil War was started by parts of America deciding to take all of their people and their land and all of the federal government land in their states and declare themselves a separate country, in order to protect slavery from the not yet elected Abraham Lincoln. This was when the Republicans were the radical progressive party and the Democrats were the unapologetic white supremacist party promoting slavery.

The dishonest historical claim is that the Civil War was fought over states’ rights, but before the war the slave states insisted that the Fugitive Slave Act be enforced everywhere in America, even though it completely violated the rights of the states that prohibited slavery. Why would they lie about something that is so easy to show to be false? Because if you are taught that thinking is a crime, you won’t check the facts. If you do check the facts, you are easier to target as a thought criminal.

Another example of the dishonesty of the claim that the Civil War was not fought to expand Christian slavery. Christian slavery does not mean slavery of Christians, although some did convert enslaved people, but slavery by Christians. Christians were the first people to enslave people based on the color of their skin. Slavery has been around probably as long as people have been around, but it was only when Europeans started exploring other parts of the world, that the business of slavery of people for looking different became established. Greece, Rome, the Ottoman Empire, . . . had slavery, but they did not have the racial slavery that Christianity created in the Age of Exploration, justified by the Bible.

Article I, Sec. 9, “(4) No bill of attainder, ex post facto law, or law denying or impairing the right of property in negro slaves shall be passed.” – Constitution of the Confederate States; March 11, 1861

Article IV, Sec. 3, “(3) The Confederate States may acquire new territory; and Congress shall have power to legislate and provide governments for the inhabitants of all territory belonging to the Confederate States, lying without the limits of the several Sates; and may permit them, at such times, and in such manner as it may by law provide, to form States to be admitted into the Confederacy. In all such territory the institution of negro slavery, as it now exists in the Confederate States, shall be recognized and protected be Congress and by the Territorial government; and the inhabitants of the several Confederate States and Territories shall have the right to take to such Territory any slaves lawfully held by them in any of the States or Territories of the Confederate States.” – Constitution of the Confederate States; March 11, 1861

The states also give their reasons for their insurrection:

A Declaration of the Immediate Causes which Induce and Justify the Secession of the State of Mississippi from the Federal Union.

“In the momentous step which our State has taken of dissolving its connection with the government of which we so long formed a part, it is but just that we should declare the prominent reasons which have induced our course.

Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery– the greatest material interest of the world.”

Confederate States of America – Declaration of the Immediate Causes Which Induce and Justify the Secession of South Carolina from the Federal Union

“We affirm that these ends for which this Government was instituted have been defeated, and the Government itself has been made destructive of them by the action of the non-slaveholding States. Those States have assume the right of deciding upon the propriety of our domestic institutions; and have denied the rights of property established in fifteen of the States and recognized by the Constitution; they have denounced as sinful the institution of slavery; they have permitted open establishment among them of societies, whose avowed object is to disturb the peace and to eloign the property of the citizens of other States. They have encouraged and assisted thousands of our slaves to leave their homes; and those who remain, have been incited by emissaries, books and pictures to servile insurrection.

For twenty-five years this agitation has been steadily increasing, until it has now secured to its aid the power of the common Government. Observing the forms of the Constitution, a sectional party has found within that Article establishing the Executive Department, the means of subverting the Constitution itself. A geographical line has been drawn across the Union, and all the States north of that line have united in the election of a man to the high office of President of the United States, whose opinions and purposes are hostile to slavery. He is to be entrusted with the administration of the common Government, because he has declared that that “Government cannot endure permanently half slave, half free,” and that the public mind must rest in the belief that slavery is in the course of ultimate extinction.

This sectional combination for the submersion of the Constitution, has been aided in some of the States by elevating to citizenship, persons who, by the supreme law of the land, are incapable of becoming citizens; and their votes have been used to inaugurate a new policy, hostile to the South, and destructive of its beliefs and safety.

On the 4th day of March next, this party will take possession of the Government. It has announced that the South shall be excluded from the common territory, that the judicial tribunals shall be made sectional, and that a war must be waged against slavery until it shall cease throughout the United States.”

Most of the Confederate states declared that they were not American before Lincoln was president. South Carolina, in the statement of their reasons does not sound much different from those claiming that Obama was going to close all of the churches and take everyone’s guns. President Obama never tried to do either one, in spite of the promises of his enemies. That is one of the reasons for banning books – to keep people from knowing the truth.

As with the memory holes in 1984, “The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” George Orwell condemned authoritarians on the left and on the right. An important part of that condemnation is the way they try to prevent citizens from having access to information, as we see in so many states with book bans.


The Oleandrin Scam Exposes Incompetent Doctors

President Trump has made another medical recommendation. This one is more dangerous than the last. As long as a lot of physicians are willing to harm patients in order to promote their political agenda, President Trump is willing to keep playing doctor and providing them with ways to harm patients. We can hope that the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) takes action to protect patients from such doctors.

Hydroxychloroquine was supported by low-quality research, but some physicians couldn’t wait to promoted it. That is alternative medicine – the opposite of competent medicine.

When high-quality evidence on the use of hydroxychloroquine in humans with COVID-19 was published, these physicians insisted that the research was politically motivated, each time a new high-quality study was published. That is the argument used by alternative medicine, not real medicine. Every high-quality study shows that there is no benefit from hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19 patients. The risks are greater than the potential benefits. Competent and ethical physicians should limit the use of hydroxychloroquine to well-controlled research.

Now we have a more extreme danger to patients from alternative medicine and promoted by President Trump. Oleandrin is an extract of the oleander plant and is not supported by any research in humans. The only research supporting oleandrin as a COVID-19 treatment is in test tubes, which means that this is not even as well tested as the vaccine approved by President Putin earlier this month. If there is any use in humans, it would be in a Phase 1 trial. Not even that level of research has been done, yet.

The obvious image to use to explain this is from xkcd.

The mouse over text states: Now, if it selectively kills cancer cells in a petri dish, you can be sure it’s at least a great breakthrough for everyone suffering from petri dish cancer.

Oleandrin, and thousands millions of other chemicals, kill coronaviruses in petri dishes. Killing cells in petri dishes does nothing to help patients.

For more detailed information read this article or this article or listen to this podcast.


Happy Bill of Rights Day – 225 Years Old


The Bill of Rights was ratified on December 15, 1791, which makes today the 225th anniversary of being signed into law. The Bill of Rights protects the interests of minorities from oppression by tyrannical majorities. This is why we are not really a democracy, but a constitutional republic.

If a majority decides that a minority should not be entitled to the same rights as the majority, or promotes some rationalization of the difference as not being a valid difference, that minority can appeal to the courts for relief. On the other hand, there are no absolute rights, which would invalidate all other rights.

You can be executed for a crime you did not commit, even if you can prove that you are innocent. You have to appeal to the governor or president for intervention. As the Supreme Court decided –

Held: Herrera’s claim of actual innocence does not entitle him to federal habeas relief. Pp. 6-28.[1]


Due process of law does not require that the innocent be set free. Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness are not to be found in the American Constitution. Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness are not to be found in the Bill of Rights.

Rights also come with responsibilities. We need to respect the rights of others, no matter how much we might think that others cannot be trusted to make those decisions, while we claim to be able to make these same decisions, not just for ourselves, but for others.

If people of different races want to marry, the state governments are not permitted to use their authority to sanction marriages to deprive citizens of their right to marry based on tradition. States rights have limitations, just as individual rights have limitations.

Discriminating against citizens of a politically incorrect group for decades, or even centuries, is not a justification for continuing to deprive them of equal treatment under the law.

Others may use their freedom, which always comes with responsibilities, in ways we do not like, but that is part of the price of freedom.

Even though slavery was legal at the time of ratification of the American Constitution and Bill of Rights, and is still endorsed by the Bible, we have recognized that slavery is bad. Our Constitution caught up with a lot of the rest of the world.

The Bible still endorses slavery and says that I can sell my daughter as a sex slave.

What progress we are making. In the Middle Ages they would have burned me. Now they are content with burning my books. – Sigmund Freud

The Bill of Rights is much better than the Bible. Go blaspheme in celebration of the Bill of Rights, which protects us from those who would burn us, or our writing, or otherwise punish us for being honest.


[1] Herrera v. Collins (91-7328), 506 U.S. 390 (1993)
Argued October 7, 1992
Decided January 25, 1993
US Supreme Court


In criminal cases, thetrial is the paramount event for determining the defendant’s guilt or innocence. Where, as here, a defendant has been afforded a fair trial and convicted of the offense for which he was charged, the constitutional presumption of innocence disappears. Federal habeas courts do not sit to correct errors of fact, but to ensure that individuals are not imprisoned in violation of the Constitution. See, e.g., Moore v. Dempsey, 261 U.S. 86, 87-88. Thus, claims of actual innocence based on newly discovered evidence have never been held to state a ground for federal habeas relief absent an independent constitutional violation occurring in the course of the underlying state criminal proceedings.



Flag burning, patriotism, and reality


Tweet by President-elect Donald Trump on flag burning

Is appearance more important than reality?

Why do people burn the American flag?

There may be many reasons, but the essence appears to be an attempt to shock people to recognize what the flag burners see as hypocrisy.

What is the purpose of prohibiting burning of the American flag?

Some people place more value in this symbol of America (the flag), than they do in what makes America great (the Constitutional protections of the rights of Americans).

Is President-elect Trump an opponent of the American Constitution? Is President-elect Trump just engaging in a politically correct theatrical display for people who do not seem to understand that the American Constitution doesn’t care if their feelings get hurt?


In 1798, Congress passed, and President John Adams signed, the Alien and Sedition Acts.[1] These restricted eligibility to vote, restricted immigration, allowed for increased deportation of aliens considered dangerous, and made criticism of the federal government illegal. This is one example of Founding Fathers acting in a way that is contrary to what many consider their original intent.

Recently deceased Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia voted in the majority to protect flag burning in 1989.[2] Did Justice Scalia hate America, hate the American flag, or is it more complex than an early morning tweet can express?

In 1943, during World War II, the Supreme Court decided on a variation of this concept. Is it Constitutional to force people to demonstrate patriotism?

To believe that patriotism will not flourish if patriotic ceremonies are voluntary and spontaneous instead of a compulsory routine is to make an unflattering estimate of the appeal of our institutions to free minds.[3]


Real patriotism is not a politically correct compulsory display.

But freedom to differ is not limited to things that do not matter much. That would be a mere shadow of freedom. The test of its substance is the right to differ as to things that touch the heart of the existing order.[3]


The American Constitution does not authorize thought crimes.

If there is any fixed star in our constitutional constellation, it is that no official, high or petty, can prescribe what shall be orthodox in politics, nationalism, religion, or other matters of opinion or force citizens to confess by word or act their faith therein. If there are any circumstances which permit an exception, they do not now occur to us.[3]


What about those who claim that Americans have risked their lives, and even died, to protect the sanctity of the American flag? Does service in any branch of the American military contain any oath to protect the American flag?

(a) Enlistment Oath .-Each person enlisting in an armed force shall take the following oath:
“I, ____________________, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.”


The So help me God is optional, since there is no truth to the myth that there are no atheists in foxholes and the American Constitution prohibits all religious requirements for service.

The oath is to protect the American Constitution, which protects flag burning. The oath is not to protect the American flag.

Even Jesus stated opposition to this kind of political theater.

5 “When you pray, you are not to be like the hypocrites; for they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and on the street corners [a]so that they may be seen by men. Truly I say to you, they have their reward in full. 6 But you, when you pray, go into your inner room, close your door and pray to your Father who is in secret, and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you.[5]


What does it say about America that we reward theatrical patriotism, rather than respect for the Constitution which makes America great?

Or is President-elect Trump taking initial steps to try to get Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission[6] overturned by expressing that not everything is protected expression? Who can tell with someone who expresses himself in such a vague manner?

Is appearance more important than reality?


[1] Alien and Sedition Acts
Primary Documents in American History
Library of Congress page

[2] Texas v. Johnson, (1989)
No. 88-155
Argued: March 21, 1989
Decided: June 21, 1989
United States Supreme Court

[3] West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette (No. 591)
Argued: March 11, 1943
Decided: June 14, 1943

[4] §502. Enlistment oath: who may administer
Text contains those laws in effect on November 28, 2016
US Code page

Amended in 1962 – inserted “So help me God” in the oath, and “or affirmation” in text.

[5] Matthew 6:5-6
New American Standard Bible (NASB)
You can go to the site and look up all of the other versions of the Bible or just pick up a Bible and read this.
Bible Gateway

[6] Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission


Nobel Peace Prize and President Obama

My first thought, on seeing the news that President Obama had won the Nobel Peace Prize, was that SNL (Saturday Night Live) had decided to turn the parody level up to 11. If CNN is going to take SNL seriously, then SNL will make it practically impossible for CNN. There will always be room for CNN to demonstrate greater incompetence, but not much.

I wrote about the commotion about a SNL parody of the ineffectiveness of the President thus far in his rookie year Does CNN have Any Credibility Left? The awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize appears to have been based on the CNN investigative analysis of SNL.

I went to the news source. It seemed legitimate. I checked others. This story is true.

He is the titular head of a country that is involved in 2 declared wars. There is probably more potential for this number of wars to increase, rather than to decrease. Although President Obama did not start these wars, he does not appear to be ending them.

There was the suggestion that the award was rushed to throw support behind the potential for President Obama to produce change. After all, it isn’t as if they could have waited a year, or two, or three, to see if this politician actually accomplishes something more than a world tour. That might give some justification for this award. Should we change the name to the Rookie of the Year Peace Prize – Any novice leader, who has not started a war in the first couple of weeks of office can win.

If he is so inclined, he may nuke Iran. I’ll bet that would make the prize committee proud.

This makes you wonder who else was being considered? The North Korean Elvis impersonator, Kim Jong-il?

Martin Luther King did not just talk about having a dream. Apparently, these days just having the dream is good enough.

President Obama’s number one accomplishment. He became the borrower on the largest sub-prime loan in the history of like forever.

Should we rename this the Sally Field Prize? This is just Europe saying, . . . you’ve wanted more than anything to have our respect. The first time we didn’t feel it, but this time we feel it, and we can’t deny the fact that we like you, right now, we like you! this is like Europe telling President Obama that he has been favorited on Facebook.

A lot of marriages start, because the woman sees potential in the man. A lot of these marriages end in divorce, because the man does not use the potential the way the woman thinks it should be used. Maybe Europe should have asked for a pre-nup.

Maybe it is as some have suggested, the Not George Bush Prize. A prize awarded in the first year of every presidency that immediately follows the second term of a second George Bush. If you think that you have ever won something that had high standards, try winning this one.

President Obama has a lot of potential, but so does Sarah Palin. She might even be able to do something interesting for the talent part of the competition. Maybe it was the beer he shared to help make peace between Henry Louis Gates and James Crowley. That might be foreshadowing the way to peace with the Islamic terrorists. Hey guys. Let’s sit down like a bunch of adults and discuss this over some beer and hot dogs. Yeah. That’s the ticket. A Beer and Hot Dogs Summit.

Maybe the Nobel Peace Prize should have its name changed to the John Winger Prize.


Does CNN have Any Credibility Left?

Apparently, Jon Stewart is now writing material for CNN. The network that I have criticized for their incompetent reporting of medical topics, has decided to branch out into comedy.

Wolf Blitzer, who either has a great poker face, or really believes what he is saying, claims that SNL (Saturday Night Live) has not been completely accurate in their portayal of President Obama. Wait! Let me check my calendar. Maybe I had a Rip van Winkle episode, here. No, I did not sleep until April Fool’s Day, nor is it mischief night. This is just CNN demonstrating that the future of journalism is definitely not on their network.

Next, CNN investigates professional wrestling to see if WWE is as scripted as reality TV.

Jon Stewart did a great job of reporting on the way CNBC covered financial news during the financial crash of a year ago. Jon Stewart had me laughing and had me impressed with his understanding of finance. CNN? Not so much.

This just in – CNN has unearthed an incredible story. Amos ‘n’ Andy were white. They were wearing makeup. Stop the presses!

I should send in a resume. Their hiring standards are incredibly low. I, Hildy Johnson, have experience covering executions. Nah, too obvious.

Just kidding. This is CNN. Nothing is obvious to them.

In the video, there is a guy assessing the accuracy of the facts presented in the comedy skit. He makes a big deal of claiming, that even though everything else is accurate, you can’t tell the difference between Afghanistan and Maybery. I guess, I just misunderstood why George Will was writing that it is Time to Get Out of Afghanistan. I thought that George Will was saying that things are really bad – that we do not have any more chance of winning than the Soviets did a couple of decades ago, or the British over a century ago. Silly me – I was reading. CNN does not appear to be competing for an audience that reads.

Maybe we should ship CNN over to Afghanistan. The jihadists will be laughing so hard at these journalists that they won’t be able to shoot straight.

I wrote about CNN’s medical coverage of a brain dead baby. This was a year and a half ago. They still have not changed the video. I wrote to the station and I wrote to Dr. Sanjay Gupta. You know Ask Dr. Gupta, their medical expert. He is somebody who should be able to look at this and say, That is completely wrong. Change it. After all, Dr. Gupta is a neurosurgeon. For those of you who get your medical information from CNN and might not understand the big word, a neurosurgeon is a brain surgeon.

I am still waiting. The video is still there with the same completely wrong information. Maybe Dr. Gupta is still looking for his medical dictionary.

I almost feel guilty for picking on such obvious idiots. Then I rememeber that they are getting paid for their incompetence. I guess Wolf Blitzer got into journalism, because the basket weaving class was too difficult. If Dr. Gupta is your surgeon, don’t bother writing, Other Side on the part of your head he is not supposed to operate on. That may be too complex. Maybe draw a skull and crossbones. Better yet just run away.

Maybe he did his residency with Mitchell and Webb.

CNN is Selling Snake Oil – All You Have to Do is Believe.

Atomic Nerds take some shots at CNN, as well. LOOK OUT, MR. PRESIDENT! MOCKERY! H/T The Smallest Minority – CNN Fact-Checks SNL.


Welfare Queens Protest the EMS Responsibility Act

March 4th was the opportunity for irresponsible people to oppose attempts to improve the quality of care in Maryland.

Why would they do that?

Politics. Nothing but Dirty Politics.

Brian Slack
Those opposed to the two bills show their support for the status quo at a rally at the state house.

The sign reads – Why Change What is Not Broken?[1]

How bad does it have to be for people to realize that they are being lied to.

Broken may not be the word.

It is a rotting festering corpse polluting everything it touches. It also kills.

The people protesting have something to gain from defeating these bills – SB 650 and SB 764. They are making money from keeping things the way they are. That is the problem. Things have stayed the same, or become worse, for decades. That is the legacy of Dr. R Adams Cowley. At least that is his legacy in the hands of those running EMS in Maryland.

In one interview, Dr. Matthew Lissauer,[2] a doctor at Shock Trauma, says that paying for the helicopter program out of driver’s license taxes should be seen as a good thing.


If it is a good thing, why don’t we expand the system to all ambulance transport in Maryland?

If it is a good idea at all, why limit this to helicopter transport?

The reason is that Dr. Lissauer benefits from the money for the helicopter program, since they frequently return to Shock Trauma with patients. This is money going from tax payer pockets into his pockets.

When the money is spread out over the state, the cost does not seem so bad, but what if we operated everything this way? The excesses would have bankrupted the state, and the tax payers, long ago. This is a failed system. The people of Maryland deserve better.

Others talk about the helicopter program as a World Class operation. It is only world class in the third world. Who else in America operates with only one medic on board? Where in the world do you have to go to find such an complete disregard for patients’ lives?

Dozens of state troopers and their supporters rallied outside the State House yesterday in opposition to pending legislation that would change – and perhaps privatize – Maryland’s emergency helicopter transport system, one of the first and most venerated in the country.[3]

By venerated, they appear to mean that when anyone tries to reform it, they are opposed by this kind of self-serving political machine. This represents the worst of American politics.


We don’t change, we just get out the vote to keep the MSP (Maryland State Police) Aviation the worst staffed EMS in the country. We are determined to stay there.

Decades of attempting to improve this antiquated system will probably fail, one more time. Maryland Swindlers Prevail Again.

A sad commentary on how gullible people are in EMS. Somebody states that bad care is the best in the world and we believe them. Is there any wonder why so many of the EMS myths persist? We are just a step or two out of the Dark Ages. People are actually protesting against good patient care, because bad care is free.

The people of Maryland deserve better.

There is another article on the rally.[4]


^ 1 Maryland Crews Respond to Save Medevac, Fire Programs
Posted: 03-04-2009
Updated: 03-05-2009 09:20:47 AM
Susan Nicol Kyle
Firehouse.com News

^ 2 Some Lawmakers Support Privatizing Medevac System
Adam May
Annapolis, Md. (WJZ)
Article and Video

^ 3 Report signals that medevacs should remain under state control
House Speaker Michael E. Busch calls the draft ‘absolutely’ premature

By Gadi Dechter
March 5, 2009

^ 4 Opponents to medevac changes mobilize
By Liam Farrell, Staff Writer
Published 03/05/09
