Without evidence of benefit, an intervention should not be presumed to be beneficial or safe.

- Rogue Medic

Anti-Science Explained

This quote really does seem to get to the heart of the problem with anti-science people. They do not dislike science, as long as . . . well read the quote –

The more I see of the world [looks pensively out of window] the more it strikes me that people seem to want more science, rather than less, and to deploy it in odd ways: to abrogate responsibility; to validate a hunch; to render a political or cultural prejudice in deceptively objective terms. Because you can prove anything with science, as long as you cherry pick the data and keep one eye half closed.[1]

It does not matter what type of anti-science. I would love to elaborate on this, but why ruin a good thing.


^ 1 Reefer Badness
March 24th, 2007
Ben Goldacre
Saturday March 24, 2007
The Guardian
