Without evidence of benefit, an intervention should not be presumed to be beneficial or safe.

- Rogue Medic

It’s A Contest – With Real Prizes

First, let me point out that both the prizes and my silliness are real, but I am not being silly about the prizes. Look here:

Name the Show Contest Page : http://chroniclesofems.com/name-the-show/

Rules and Regs : http://chroniclesofems.com/name-the-show/rules-and-regulations-for-name-the-show/

My Medic 999’s Blog post announcing it : http://999medic.com/2010/06/03/a-chance-of-a-lifetime/

I know what you’re thinking. Medic 999 is, if you spin it around 180 degrees, 666 whatever Medic is when you spin it 180 degrees.

Fortunately, Mark hasn’t figured out how to remain on his head and bring his pinky to his lips. We are safe for now. In the mean time, the only way to stop this impending evil is to rename him. But this contest isn’t about renaming Mark’s blog. This is just a warm up by renaming The Reality Series part of The Chronicles of EMS. Then we save the world from that upside down thingy. And if saving the world doesn’t work for you, there are always the prizes.

The person who provides the new name for the show will have round trip flights and 3 nights accommodation to a location of their choice where the Chronicles of EMS will be filming. This could be New York, San Francisco, Germany, Austria etc etc. If we are going there, the winner can come with us. They will also receive show credits and some ‘on screen time’ in a future episode too.

If thats not enough, they also get a 16GB Wi-Fi, 3G iPad.

An iPad? What could be better proof of his evil? Do you ever see Steve Jobs and Mephistopheles together? I thought not.

The contest already started, because it began at 0000 BST. BST could stand for a lot of things, but it means British Summer Time. I don’t think they really know what Summer time is in Britain, but they didn’t ask me. Go ahead and enter now, because the contest has already started. It is already tomorrow in Britain, and a bunch of other places East of me.

They think they’re living in the future, but the contest ends at 23.59 BST, 9th July 2010, which is hours earlier than 2359 real time. Real time is whatever it happens to be where I am. Hey, I can only handle one reality at a time, and I’m having trouble doing that.

Go. Win Prizes.

Meet interesting people (even if you’ve met them before).

That looks like me in the middle. I had a picture taken with them. That looks like the shirt I was wearing. I don’t remember the Oakland Bay Bridge in the background, since we were inside and in Baltimore, but it is my reality, so I must have put it there.

If you see other blogs mentioning this. Don’t worry. It’s OK. It’s a conspiracy.
