Without evidence of benefit, an intervention should not be presumed to be beneficial or safe.

- Rogue Medic


Over at A Day in the Life of an Ambulance Driver, there is this quote from Gay Cynic

Further, if a bunch of religious sorts whose skin is so thin and faith so fragile that the mere burning of a non-unique volume sends them into a literally violent hissy fit…then, in the same manner we must deal with a rabid dog or a zombie invasion, I suggest the appropriate response to a public hazard of this sort is to fix bayonets and hunt over bait until one runs out of crazies.

I love books.

I hate to see books burn.

More important than any book are the ideas within the book.

The ideas cannot be destroyed.

If we claim that the ideas demand that we should punish others for criticizing those ideas, then maybe those ideas are not worth protecting. Maybe those ideas demand criticism.


If we need laws to protect ideas from book burners, then the ideas in the book are pretty pathetic ideas.

Is the God of the Koran injured when someone burns the Koran?

Does the God of the Koran need a bunch of laws to protect His books from those who do not like Him?

If that is what we are saying, then we do more to insult the God of the Koran than any book burner ever will.

Is the God of the Old Testament injured when someone burns the Old Testament?

Does the God of the Old Testament need a bunch of laws to protect His books from those who do not like Him?

If that is what we are saying, then we do more to insult the God of the Old Testament than any book burner ever will.

Is Jesus injured when someone burns the New Testament?

Does Jesus need a bunch of laws to protect His books from those who do not like Him?

If that is what we are saying, then we do more to insult Jesus than any book burner ever will.

Why would anyone worship such an insecure, immature, in need of a box of tissues So Called God?

Why stop with religion?

Does the US need a bunch of laws to protect our flag from being burned by those who do not like the US?

If that is what we are saying, then we do more to harm the US than any flag burner ever will.

When what we feel strongly about depends more on protection of icons, than on what the icons stand for, then we are the ones who should be punished.

The US becomes the land of the less free and the home of the brave-except-when-you-make-me-cry, when we have laws against flag burning.

The United Victims of America.

Here are a couple of people who get it.


Those who want laws to ban flag burning do not understand the Constitution.

Any law banning flag burning does more to harm America than any group of flag burners ever could.

If they want to live in a country with laws that ban flag burning, there are plenty, go pick one.

Freedom is about tolerating the behavior of others, not about throwing a temper tantrum when someone disagrees with us.

Take an Ativan and stop trying to eliminate the parts of the Constitution that you do not like.

Silencing speech is more hateful than any hate speech.

Silencing expression is more hateful than any expression of hate.



  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Jon B. and Chronicles of EMS, EMS Blogs. EMS Blogs said: From #RogueMedic: Burning http://bit.ly/cl0t6O #EMS #Blogs […]