Without evidence of benefit, an intervention should not be presumed to be beneficial or safe.

- Rogue Medic

Irresponsible EMS 1

At 510 Medic, there is a post called Lack of Accountability.

Read it.

Here is what I think about the topic.

It is a sad thing that so many people in positions of responsibility are so interested in avoiding responsibility.

If we had to choose, would we choose to be treated by a doctor, nurse, EMT, et cetera, who avoids responsibility?

Let me rephrase that.

Would we choose to be treated by someone who is irresponsible?

Would we get in a plane flown by a pilot, who is irresponsible?

ir·re·spon·si·ble (r-spns-bl)
1. Marked by a lack of responsibility: irresponsible accusations.
2. Lacking a sense of responsibility; unreliable or untrustworthy.
3. Law Not mentally or financially fit to assume responsibility.
4. Not liable to be called to account by a higher authority.


Definition 4. is important.

4. Not liable to be called to account by a higher authority.

Isn’t that exactly the goal of our training in EMS – at least the way some teach it?

If we just follow the protocol, we can’t get in trouble.

If we get permission from medical command, we can’t get in trouble.

If we just follow orders, we can’t get in trouble.

Why do we let anyone get away with telling these lies?

A question we often hear is –

Who is going to take responsibility for this?

The EMS response seems to be –

I’m not doing anything unless somebody else takes responsibility for what I do.

EMS agencies not only tolerate this – EMS agencies encourage this irresponsible behavior.


  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by David Konig, Jason (JT) Thompson, Shelly Wilcoxson, John Broyles, Chronicles of EMS and others. Chronicles of EMS said: Irresponsible EMS 1 http://bit.ly/a0GAqW Via @EMSblogs #CoEMS […]