Without evidence of benefit, an intervention should not be presumed to be beneficial or safe.

- Rogue Medic

Next EMS Radio Star

There is a contest, Next EMS Radio Star, at the EMS Garage for people who want to start their own podcast – not just start their own podcast, but also be launched by the EMS Garage.

Perhaps you are worried that this will be an opportunity for others to ridicule you. Well, if you have been in EMS long enough to have anything to say that is worth listening to, you ought to have a pretty resilient ego. On the other hand, Chris Montera (the guy in charge of EMS Garage) is not looking to be the Next Simon Cowell. 😯

Chris is looking to find the positives in EMS podcasting.

It is true that we sometimes entertain ourselves at the expense of others in the group emails that go out to the EMS Garage participants mailing list, but we find as much entertainment making fun of ourselves as we do of others.

Do you have some ideas that you don’t hear from any other podcasters?

Do you have some ideas that others have discussed, but you think that some important points have been ignored on podcasts, or you thing that ignored is too strong a word, but you do think that the ideas have not been given the attention they deserve?

Or do you just have the ability to be very entertaining?

Or maybe you just want to be the next Lt. Steven Hauk, who will forever be remembered for the line – Sir, I know in my heart that I am funny.

What do you have to say about EMS?

Can the EMS podcasting world handle a Good Morning, EMS?

Go read the rules and enter and let us see what you’ve got.

Next EMS Radio Star
